Hi-quite an interesting substack you have. This is a little OT, but in your domain I think. What is your opinion of the book the Way of Energy (Lam Kam Chuen), or, more specifically, the QiGong style called Zhan Zhuang (standing like a post). The author dropped an alleged quote from the Daodejing in his book, the quote being as follows: "Standing alone and unchanging, One can observe every mystery, Present at every moment and ceaselessly continuing-This is the gateway to indescribable marvels." A nice quote indeed but I have looked up and down and can not find the quote in the Daodejing, even as roughly translated. I looked at Legge's and also Pine's translations. I am no Chinese expert but with a dictionary I can hack my way through most stuff. The apparent absence of this quote made me a bit suspicious of the book. If you can find the quote in the Daodejing please let me know!

At any rate, I am fascinated by Zhan Zhang but would like a learned opinion before diving in. Thanks

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Hi eyes open. Thanks for the comment. Standing post qigong has many variations, but it is a wonderful practice. It's always advisable to have a teacher, though. Guidance is important with these practices.

Regarding the DDJ quote, it seems the the author is referring to the end of Chapter 1. There are lots of ways to translate. You can look at these links to see how many have tackled it: http://wengu.tartarie.com/wg/wengu.php?l=Daodejing&no=1 and https://www.egreenway.com/taoism/ttclz1.htm

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Thanks for the reply. I knew you would know!

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This brings to mind the "woodpecker" chopping noise of pulsed EMFs:


I love how you are bringing a universal quality such as "choppiness" into other aspects of our health. Makes it easier for us all to integrate and learn.

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Thanks for the comment, Roman. So, yes, the woodpecker is a good analogy from nature as well. With its pointed beak it cuts into the bark at irregular intervals (this is actually another part of Choppy), and damages the tree, creating a wound. In our physiology that would be damage to tissue and microbleeding (inflammation and extravasated blood) and some blood stasis (eg, micro clotting); in the tree it creates a wound which causes a resin to be secreted to repair the wound. Resins in Chinese medicine treat unhealing wounds! Choppy also often accompanies EMF toxicity.

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